Beware of “Chain Store” Dental Clinics
Beware of “Chain Store Dental Clinics” that often employ non-owner dentists who have little clinical experience and work on daily quotas and commissions to stay employed. These clinics sometimes operate under different names with a common corporate owner who is not a hands on dentist. These corporate entities usually have other clinics located throughout the United States and whos main goal is selling a lot of dentistry that may or may not be right for you. Discounted and/or free X-rays and exams are a common gimmick! At Rite Now Dental in Deland, Florida, we are a small, friendly family dental office that specializes in eliminating tooth pain and infection, often on a same day basis. We never use “stall tactics” by delaying treatment and waiting for an oral surgeon or other dentist to “show up”, and who may only be available days or weeks later and then at the last minute may announce that he or she doesn’t take your insurance. Finally, at Rite Now Dental there are no no high pressure or “bait and switch” sales tactics or “upselling” of additional services. Visit for more information or call 386-337-7070. NO REFERRAL EVER NEEDED – Read our reviews on Google and on Facebook!